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ठूलो गाडीको


Ask any parent what they struggle with most when it comes to parenting, and chances are many will say “consistency.” It can be challenging to be consistent in every situation. maybe it’s because you don’t want to always be the “bad guy,” because sometimes it’s just easier to give in or bend the rules than argue, or simply because of distractions and feeling overwhelmed, but regardless of the cause, inconsistency is one of the primary reasons that teens struggle.

The fact is, kids of all ages need boundaries. Consistency with rules, expectations, and consequences provides stability for a child and helps them develop a strong sense of character and the ability to make good decisions for themselves. Without boundaries, teens will inevitably find trouble, but inconsistent enforcement of the rules can lead to even more challenges, including anxiety, depression, stress, and other emotional and behavioral issues.

So how do you create consistency, especially when there is a mismatch between parental expectations (Mom is strict, Dad’s a little more lenient) or other challenges? Committing to standing by your word is key, but you can create more consistency in other ways as well.

1. Make Expectations Clear

Many parents believe that certain expectations go without saying, but you can never assume that your teen knows exactly what is allowed and what isn’t. You must be clear in what you expect and what the boundaries are.

This means clearly articulating the rules so there is no room for interpretation. tell your teens specifically what is not allowed, and the consequences for not adhering to the rules. Don’t expect your teens to be mind-readers or set them up to fail with unclear boundaries.

सम्बन्धित सप्ताहन्त प्रतिबिम्ब

2. setting and following through with Consequences

Consequences need to be a natural result of failing to stick to boundaries. However, all too typically parents set rules (“You can’t do X”) without spelling out exactly what will happen if their teen does do whatever it is. Or, they define the consequences, but fail to follow through.

It is vitally important that you set and follow through with consequences, every time. That doesn’t mean you can’t be reasonable — extenuating circumstances may require and adjustment — but in most cases, you must follow through.

3. Proactively Praise

Teenagers thrive when they are trusted, so reward them by expanding boundaries when appropriate. Sometimes, the leniency is for a special occasion (like prom or other major event) or it’s a permanent change. Either way, being proactive and rewarding good behavior in addition to addressing problematic behavior affirms your teen and gives them incentive to follow the rules.

4. build a Relationship

Rules work best when there is a relationship — otherwise, discipline becomes meaningless and your teen is not really going to care either way about the consequences of their actions. developing a relationship with your teen is important to establishing consistency, since your child will feel more comfortable with you and be willing to discuss issues before they become real problems.

5. consider other Alternatives

Sometimes, maintaining consistency is just too difficult due to family, economic, or other challenges. Sometimes, your teen just needs more support than you are capable of providing at this point.

When that happens, it may be worth investigating other options, such as residential facilities for troubled youth, which can provide the consistency that’s lacking at home. sometimes all it takes is that consistent environment to turn things around, and if you can’t provide it, looking elsewhere may be a good idea.

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6. choose Your Battles

Your teen is never going to be perfect. he or she is going to have good days and bad days, and you cannot expect to address every single little issue without wearing yourself out and creating resentment. You are better off to remain consistent with a few important issues while maintaining leniency on others, to keep your relationship and your sanity intact.

7. always consider Your Teen’s best Interests

When your teen does something that makes you angry, your response needs to be guided by their best interests, not yours. Doling out punishments just because you are angry or inconvenienced isn’t going to solve anything। परिणामहरू तपाइँको किशोर किशोरीलाई सही कुरा गर्न सिकाउनको लागि डिजाइन गर्नुपर्दछ, केवल सबैले दयनीय बनाउनुहोस्।

जब नियमहरू भाँचिएका हुन्छन्, एक क्षण लिनुहोस् तपाईंको प्रतिक्रियालाई विचार गर्नुहोस् र तपाईंको बच्चाको हितमा के छ। यो मुद्दा सम्बोधन गर्न यो अप्रिय हुन सक्छ र यसलाई वेवास्ता गर्न सजिलो हुन सक्छ, तर त्यो घुँडा-जर्क प्रतिक्रिया भन्दा अब केहि समाधान गर्न लाग्दैन। जब तपाईं प्रतिक्रिया दिन अघि रोक्नुहुन्छ, यसले तपाईंलाई लगातार र निष्पक्ष हुन अनुमति दिन्छ।

बच्चाहरूलाई हुर्काउनु गाह्रो छ, तर त्यहाँ असंगत भएर आफैलाई कडा बनाउनको लागि आवश्यक छैन। स्पष्ट सीमाहरू सेट गर्नुहोस्, परिणामहरूमा पालना, र तपाईंको सम्बन्धलाई अगाडि राख्नुहोस्, र तपाईंसँग कम संघर्ष हुनेछ।

यस पोष्टमा लिंक गर्नुहोस्: