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A new research study from the university of Houston revealed that health-related buzzwords, such as “antioxidant,” “gluten-free” and “whole grain,” lull consumers into thinking packaged food products labeled with those words are healthier than they actually are.

Temple Northrop, an assistant professor at the Jack J. Valenti school of communications at UH stated that, “false sense of health,” as well as a failure to understand the information presented in nutrition facts panels on packaged food may be contributing to the obesity epidemic in the United States.

“Saying Cherry 7-Up contains antioxidants is misleading. Food marketers are exploiting consumer desires to be healthy by marketing products as nutritious when, in fact, they’re not,” said Northup, principal investigator of the study, “Truth, Lies, and fill Sealer Packaging: how Food marketing creates a false sense of Health.”

The study took a closer look at how consumers link marketing terms on food packing with good health. The researchers found that consumers tend to view food products labeled with health-related euphemisms as healthier than those without them. It also showed that the nutrition facts panels printed on food packaging as required by the U.S. Food and drug administration do little to counteract that buzzword marketing.

“Words like organic, antioxidant, natural and gluten-free imply some sort of healthy benefit,” Northup said. “When people stop to think about it, there’s nothing healthy about Antioxidant Cherry 7-Up – it’s mostly filled with high fructose syrup or sugar. but its name is giving you this clue that there is some sort of health benefit to something that is not healthy at all.”

The study also looks at the “priming” psychology behind the words to explain why certain words prompt consumers to assign a health benefit to a food product with unhealthy ingredients.

 “For example, if I gave you the word ‘doctor,’ not only ‘doctor’ would be accessible in your mind – now all these other things would be accessible in your mind – ‘nurse,’ ‘stethoscope,’ etc.,” Northup said. “What happens when these words become accessible, they tend to influence or bias your frame of mind and how you evaluate something.”

This triggered concept is then available to influence later thoughts and behaviors, typically without explicit awareness of this influence – the so-called priming effect, Northup said.

Northup developed an experiment using priming theory to gather quantitative research on how food marketers influence consumers by means of visual/audio tools (learn more at He developed an online survey that randomly showed images of food products that either included actual marketing words, like organic, or a Photoshop image removing any traces of those words, thereby creating two different images of the same product. A total of 318 study participants took the survey to rate how “healthy” each product was.

The products with trigger words in their labels analyzed in the study were: Annie’s Bunny Fruit snacks (Organic), Apple Sauce (Organic), chef Boyardee Beefaroni (Whole Grain) chef Boyardee Lasagna (Whole Grain), chocolate Cheerios (Heart Healthy), Cherry 7-Up (Antioxidant), Smuckers Peanut Butter (All Natural) and Tostitos (All Natural).

Northup found when participants were shown the front of food packaging that included one of those trigger words, they would rate the items as healthier.

“I took a label from Cherry 7-Up Antioxidant and Photoshop it without the word ‘antioxidant’ and only the words, ‘Cherry 7-Up.’ I then asked people via the online survey which one they thought was healthier,” said Northup. “Each time a participant saw one of the triggering words on a label, they would identify it as healthier than the other image without the word. ”

After completing the product evaluations, the study participants then reviewed the nutrition facts panels on a variety of products. These labels would be presented two at a time so the participants could choose the healthier food or drink option.

“Food marketers say there are nutritional labels, so people can find out what’s healthy and what’s not,” he said. “Findings from this research study indicate people aren’t very good at reading nutritional labels even in situations where they are choosing between salmon र स्पाम सालिअमले भने, “करीव 20 प्रतिशतले स्पामलाई स्पाम उठायो,” उत्तरअपले भने।

यो अध्ययनले मात्र मैले पहिले नै थाहा पाएको पुष्टि गर्दछ। गलत मार्केटिंग रणनीतिहरूको लागि झर्नुको सट्टा उपभोक्ताहरू कसरी राम्रो शिक्षित गर्न आवश्यक पर्दछ। अमेरिकी परिवारहरूको द्रुत गतिको जीवनशैलीमा यसको किराना स्टोरमा उपभोक्ताहरूलाई ध्यानमा राख्न गाह्रो छ। हामी केवल भित्र पस्न चाहन्छौं, हाम्रो गाडीहरू भर्नुहोस् र बाहिर निस्कनुहोस्। यो कुनै आश्चर्यचकित छैन कि हामी मध्ये धेरैले खाद्यान्न प्याकेजिंगमा गम्य्याकसको लागि गिररहेका छौं।

हामीले खानालाई कसरी उपभोक्ताहरूलाई मार्दछौं भन्ने प्रभावहरूमा खुला संवाद चाहिन्छ त्यसैले हामी केहि प्रकारको समाधानको साथ आउन सक्दछौं (स्रोत: मार्केटिंग।


सम्बन्धित सप्ताहन्त प्रतिबिम्ब

हाम्रो संस्थापक को बारे मा

क्यासिया तालबर्ट एक व्यस्त ब्लगर हो, र पाँच बच्चाहरु मध्ये एककी आमा, स्पेकान, Wa। B.A. को साथ इतिहास र कानून र स्वस्थ रहनको लागि उनी 200 first मा स्वस्थ आमा पत्रिका सुरु गर्न र स्वस्थ पढ्न थालिन्। स्वस्थ आमा पत्रिकाले हाल मागहरूको लागि शीर्ष स्वास्थ्य ब्लगको स्थान लिएको छ। सुश्री ताजबर्सले विश्वास गर्दछ कि आमालाई स्वास्थ्यका मुद्दाहरूमा राम्रो शिक्षित हुन सक्छ र स्वस्थ रहन सक्छ भने उनीहरूले उक्त सूचना आफ्ना बच्चाहरूलाई सुस्त पार्न र अमेरिकाको बाल्यसाइटको मोर्चा तथ्या .्कलाई उल्टाउन सक्दछन्।

सुश्री ताल्बर्टले स्वस्थ आमालाई सामाजिक नेटवर्क चलाउँछ, स्वस्थ आमा मिडियाको संस्थापक हो, र ताल्बर्ट चिडियाखानामा पनि ब्लग गर्दछ।
यदि तपाईंलाई यो लेख मनपर्यो भने तपाईंले यी कथाहरूको आनन्द लिन सक्नुहुन्छ।

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